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Overcome (The Most Common Astral Projection Struggles)

Out of body experience

Need help astral projecting? It's a fascinating and deeply personal journey, but it’s not without its challenges. Many of us have experienced moments of frustration, fear, or doubt as we attempt to leave our physical bodies and explore the astral realm. Below is a carefully curated exploration of the common obstacles faced during this practice, along with explanations on how to navigate them.

Fear and Overthinking

One of the most common barriers to astral projection is fear. Whether it’s the fear of the unknown, the potential for encountering malevolent entities, or the worry of not being able to return to your body, these anxieties can create resistance. For some, the fear manifests physically, such as a racing heart or the sensation of covering vulnerable areas like the chest or private parts. They may even talk themselves out if the experience entirely. Others push through and learn that, the majority of the time, they were worrying for nothing.

The key to overcoming fear is to cultivate a sense of safety and calmness. Grounding techniques, affirmations, and a regulated nervous system can help ease the transition into the astral realm. Grounding, by momentarily redirecting your attention to your breath you'll put a stop to those limiting thoughts and find a sense of calm as you absorb into the rhythm of your breathing. Affirmations, the one I personally used in the beginning was, "I've become too emotional and ruined this attempt. Therefore, There's no need to fear an experience that isn't going to happen. Oh well, I might as well lay here anyway." This affirmation not only excuses away the fear with common sense but also leaves you open to having a spontaneous out of body experience later on.

The Vibrational Stage

The vibrational stage often described as a buzzing or tingling sensation throughout the body, signalling the separation of the astral body from the physical. For many, this phase feels intense, even painful, leading to hesitation or panic. Others report feeling stuck, as if unable to move beyond this point.

To navigate the vibrational stage focus on staying present and calm. Avoid analysing every sensation and or trying to make them stronger, as this can pull you back into your physical body. Instead, let the vibrations flow naturally, trusting that they are a sign of progress. Visualization techniques, such as imagining yourself floating upward or rolling out of bed, can help initiate the separation.

Doubt and Excitement

Doubt often creeps in during the process, with thoughts like, “What if this isn’t real?” or “What if I’m just lucid dreaming?” These doubts can disrupt your focus and pull you back into waking consciousness. Similarly, excitement at the realization that you’re on the verge of projecting can be just as disruptive.

Maintaining a calm, neutral mindset is essential. Acknowledge the excitement, then gently redirect your focus to your intention. Affirm your belief in the process and remind yourself that even partial success is progress.

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Sleep Paralysis and Shadow Entities

For those who have experienced sleep paralysis, the transition to astral projection can be daunting. Memories of being "stalked" by shadow figures or taunted by unsettling entities like the Hat Man can resurface, causing hesitation. Understanding that these entities are often projections of your own fears can help diminish their power, and even have them vanish in an instant.

shadow people

Using the affirmation "I'll never bump into the same thing twice," can also help lower your sense of anxiety around projecting. Furthermore when instigating an OBE during the day you're bound to have an entity free experience. If you can't help but astral projecting during the night, then walking around the etheric plane; destination of all things shadow & thought related, with a care free aura will certainly remove you from their torment list. Why? Because shadow beings that feed on fear are thought forms i.e. egregores, and as such they require the very fuel that reinforces their existence in the first place, your fear. They're not real. You may accidently create one like I did. Only to realise that it follows every one of your thoughts and keeps just enough distance never actually doing anything that could compromise your level of fear.

Scheduling and Fatigue

For busy individuals, finding the time and mental energy to practice can be challenging. Many attempt to leave their body during bedtime, only to fall asleep or stay awake with life’s stresses occupying their minds. Others struggle to harness the delicate state between wakefulness and sleep needed for projection.

To address this, try scheduling your practice during early morning hours, shortly after waking. This leverages the brain’s natural transition from REM sleep, making it easier to enter the hypnagogic state and then eventually, the vibrational state. Creating a consistent routine can also help train your mind and body for the practice.

Maintaining Focus

An overactive mind is a common hurdle. Thoughts of daily life, self-doubt, or impatience can flood in, making it difficult to sustain the meditative state required for projection. Techniques like imagining thoughts as leaves floating down a river can help, but for some, this itself becomes a distraction.

To improve focus, consider mindfulness practices outside of your astral projection attempts. Meditation, breathwork, or even creative visualization exercises can train your mind to stay centred. Patience is key—progress may come slowly, but every small step counts.

Physical Sensations and Health Concerns

Some people experience intense physical sensations during the process, such as heart palpitations or the fear of a heart attack. These feelings can be alarming, especially for those who are protective of their physical health.

If this is a concern, consult with a healthcare professional to rule out underlying conditions. Once reassured, remind yourself that these sensations are part of the process and not a sign of harm. More often than not, heart palpitations during an astral projection attempt are a sign of your heart not being used to the rapid decline of your physical activity. Astral projection occurs during a very deep state of being after all. Again, consider meditation practices outside of your astral projection routine that will calm your central nervous system, getting your body and your heart used to a calmer state of being.

Visualization and Belief

Visualization is a powerful tool for astral projection, but it can also be a stumbling block. If you find it difficult to imagine yourself floating or climbing a rope, focus on simpler imagery that feels natural to you. The key is to maintain a sense of detachment outside of the body and trust in the process. Belief plays a significant role as well. Doubts about the validity of astral projection or concerns about its dangers can create mental blocks. Affirm your confidence in your ability and remind yourself of the countless practitioners who have safely explored the astral realm.

Final Thoughts

Astral projection is a skill that requires patience, practice, and a willingness to face your fears. While the journey may be filled with obstacles, each challenge is an opportunity for growth. Trust in your ability to overcome these hurdles and remember that every attempt brings you closer to success. Whether you’re navigating the vibration phase, calming your fears, or refining your focus, know that you are not alone in this journey.


1. What is astral projection?

Astral projection is the experience of consciously leaving your physical body to explore the astral plane, a non-physical dimension of existence.

2. Can I get stuck outside my body during an astral projection?

No, the silver cord that connects your astral and physical bodies ensures your return. Projection is natural, and your body will automatically recall you if needed.

3. Why do I feel vibrations or buzzing during the process?

These sensations are a natural part of the separation process between the astral and physical bodies. They reflect the fine tuning of your astral body as it prepares for it's final destination.

4. What if I see shadow figures or unsettling entities?

These are often projections of your fears. Truly realizing this renders them powerless. If you still have concerns even about non-egregore entities, you can leave your body during the day to be safe.

5. Why do I struggle to reach the astral plane?

Common barriers include overthinking, doubt, lack of focus, or attempting projection when tired. Developing patience and a daytime routine can help.

6. Does astral projection require specific techniques?

There are many methods that focus on triggering the initial separation, such as the rope technique or floating visualization. However, if you'd like to dramatically increase your chances then working on a solid foundation is paramount for your success.

You must focus on developing many aspects of astral projection in order to;

  • Master transitions between waking, dreaming, and projecting states

  • Improve your ability to re-enter the astral state after interruptions.

  • Strengthen your energy body for smoother transitions.

  • Maintain the memory of your experience.

  • See & manoeuvre in the astral realm.

  • Keep the ability as a life-long skill.

  • Avoid Sleep Paralysis.

  • Avoid falling asleep.

If you're serious about astral projection, are tired of falling asleep, and have been looking for solid practices that you can rely on, click here for The Ultimate Guide To Having Out of Body Experiences. This is a long term process that covers all the bases for about of body travel. If you're a working parent or student that finds it hard to make time to study, consider watching my 10-Step Conditioning process. It'll shift your vibration to the astral projection state tuning you for a comfortable astral projection experience.



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